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Friday, January 4, 2008

Roger Clemens Does A McGwire And B-12

It could be the steroid that have bloated his body but shrunk his brain, but Roger Clemens seems to be attempting a McGwire. In an interview with 60 Minutes soon to be released, Clemens claimed that he never took steroids and was only injected with lidocaine and the vitamin B-12.

Except that Canseco was there before, telling the world in his book "Juiced" how B-12 was the common term for steroids amongst professional baseball players.

Interestingly, Canseco also wrote about his theory on McGwire's androstenedione scandal, which he thought could have been set up by Mark himself. Or Clemens could be trying to emulate Barry Bonds. We shall see when he has to testify under oath before Congress on Jan 16, if he does a "I never knowingly took steroids".

It is not so much that players are taking performance enhancing drugs, but how they seem to be hiding from the fact. I do not think there will be a day when steroids can be stamped out from sports, as long as money is involved. Sports is a business, and in business, it is ultimately about money and everyone wants to make more, without that, most would not take it up as a career. Simple as that.

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