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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Padres' Mike Cameron Suspended For Failed Drug Test

The San Diego Padres' Mike Cameron has been suspended for the first 25 games of 2008 after failing a second drug test. The player made the announcement before any official statement from the MLB, and filed for free agency soon after.

While this news would certainly affect his value on the market, what was most worrying and ridiculous was his claim that a nutritional supplement that he took must have been tainted with the banned substance.

In other words, it was not his fault that a banned drug was found in his system. Blame it on the supplement manufacturers who must have left it in there without informing consumers.

He would not be the first professional baseball player to be caught, nor will he be the first sportsman to blame his cheating ways on others.

"Hey, I just did my job and took care of my body based on what nutritional scientists recommended. They were the ones who put the stuff in my body."

Statements from the Padres management were more damning (depending on how you interpreted it):

"He was a great teammate, a great person. He made a mistake, got caught and will pay for it now.", said Padres General Manager Kevin Towers.

There you have it. Quite a signal of intention.

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